Monday, February 8, 2016

[Builds] Equinox Augments and Revitalized Builds

The new Augments for Equinox and Atlas came out recently (18.4.7) so I immediately jumped at the Atlas mods... and got disappointed. 2 of the three were lackluster and I didn't have the heart to try the third so... I went and got the Equinox augments. I was not disappointed.

After fiddling around with Equinox, I found that I had to apply one more Forma so naturally, the first augment I was able to sue was Duality.

I used Continuity and a Maxed Duality mod At rank 1 and Hosted a T3 Def getting the usual suspects in (Frost, Excalibur and EV Trinity) to level up and hopefully get an Ash prime BP (for the 100 plat it's worth as of this writing err... typing). It was fun playing around with the specter and the Synoid Simulor I had on. I would cover one side , trigger it and rush to the other side and it would just spam the hell out of the primary. I would Jump up the bridge just in front of the pod, trigger Metamorphosis and jump down on an unsuspecting Mob of corrupted just as my Specter materializes doubling the Simulor spam.

Needless to say I enjoyed my way to 25.

Below is my current Duality Build for Equinox.

The Build just focuses on Duration and Efficiency so I can get a specter out as often as I want. I want to add one more polarity but I can't decide which polarity at the moment.

So at that time I was rank 25 and was thinking if I should go and run another T3 Def, then I checked the augments and found Calm and Frenzy. I grinned because I knew where exactly to apply it's unique properties (specifically Night).

I often use Loki to farm Focus (especially with the Orthos Prime build I have here). I've really been wanting to replace him because he was so... hmm... well I was just sick of Loki, but my potential replacement, Ivara, was a dud (too slow). So now that I can spam Rest and Put whole maps to sleep (for a little over 40 seconds at a time)... I naturally go to Vedic, Ceres.

The Rank 25 build I used there was Focused on range primarily (Overextended, Stretch and Cunning Drift) then Duration.

I was initially conservative with my Rest casts, but when I enemies started spotting me, I just spammed it and it worked fine. With whole maps put to sleep I just spun and won with Orthos Prime til I hit 30.

It was crazy fun stealth if not a tad overpowered (at least for that map). Since bumping into enemies did not break the effects of Rest, I had no hesitations taking advantage of Maiming Strike.

My current Rest Build is below.

It continues to prioritize Range, followed closely by Duration. Enemy sense is there to boost my Carrier's Animal Instinct so my spamming has direction.

So now My equinox is back to rank 30. Unlike with Atlas, I wanted more so I definitely wanted to play with Peaceful Provocation.

My initial issue with Equinox as a buffer is that he maxes out at 50%. With the new augment, the Power Strength jumps to a maximum of 80%! So I cobbled together my old buff build and added the augment. The build is below:
This Build Buffs up to 77~%. The great thing is that it has great synergy with a lot of frames since it doesn't just boost damage. For example your mediocre EV Trin suddenly becomes an unlimited source of power, Frost Globes instantly become more durable along with Iron Skin. If you add Roar to the mix, well... the possibilities are endless.

On top of this, you can still activate your Ultimate... which also benefits from your newly improved Provoke. All while still gaining energy from EV. Just perfect!

Of course I do the expected and run a CP team in T3 Defense to play with the combo. As expected it went quickly and  smoothly. I even out damaged our RJ Excal when he went spamming EB.

Give the new Augments a spin and share your build down in the comments!

Thanks for reading.

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