Friday, February 12, 2016

[Tactical Alert] Divine Will

Done the run enough times? Try the tips here. If not, read on.

With the release of 18.4.10 we also saw the start of the newest Tactical Alert, Divine Will. the Alert is basically a challenge from Neffy (Nef Anyo) to basically everyone else in Origin. Your ultimate task is to kill the new Razorback, a new and improved version of the Jackal.

What to expect

Be prepared to face a lot of Bursa Moas and Hyena (the pack set). They will be scattered throughout the mission and will aim to distract you from just going straight to Razorback.

Once you get to the boss expect to be spammed by missiles and beams, shock waves and explosions. Very similar too but more annoying and lethal compared to the Jackal experience.

Once you kill the Razorback, you just need to extract or of course, farm the Bursas which could drop Tempo Royale, Astral Twilight or Life Strike depending on which one you kill.

Bursa Changes

In False Profit, The Bursa Moas had to be disabled, hacked, protected, then killed. Now that offerings are no longer required, once you deplete the Bursa's Health, it'll go into a hack-able mode. Hack it. After successfully doing so, it will fight for you for a short amount of time before being dying and dropping loot.

This is the mechanic that you will use to defeat Razorback.


You need Several things in this TA, Survival, Damage and Control. I suggest that you go with survival first. You'll need to mix damage and control after, but you can't do either if you're dead. There is also no way to OHK (One Hit Kill) the boss so you can't just jump in with guns blazing.


There really is no other way to go about it. Equinox  (Pacify) is too unreliable.

Bless Trinity-Very reliable and potent in a master's hands. You will not have to worry as long as you have a competent Bless trinity (especially the ones that bless for 30 seconds).


There are several options here. Of course you could go with EB Excalibur or Land Slide Atlas, but you could just leave the damage to your Weapon too. Whatever your choice is, know that you need a huge burst for when Razorback becomes vulnerable. Mod for Electricity(Robotic), Puncture, or Radiation (Alloy). Better Yet, Grab a Volt and shoot through his shield.


Frost is your best option. Go for Max Range and as much HP you can get on that globe. Slowing the Razorback will definitely give your team the best chance at killing it and it will also prevent it from annoying your team while you wait for the next Bursa.

Nova might sound good, but if you slow down everything, without a way to cancel (unlike Frost) you will end up just prolonging the mission needlessly.


So you've reached the boss with your team that's designed to trash it. Now it's time to find out how the fight will go.

The Boss room is very similar to Jackal's. The picture above was taken from a platform right above the entrance to the den. You can see a similar platform across the room, the broken rails from the top and Razorback in the middle.

Here's what you have at each edge of the platform, consoles. You have two on each platform for a total of 4. Notice that you see a door barred by a laser Grid beyond each console. This is where the Bursa Moas spawn. Hacking the console nearest the laser grid will deactivate it and eventually allow the Bursa to get down and enter the main platform in the middle.

There are also un-barred doors. This is where the other enemies emerge. These are mostly Sniper Crewmen, a good source of EV Energy.

According to Nef Anyo his new bot is invulnerable. After the first few hundred rounds you pepper Razorback you will agree that this is the case. The thing is, this vulnerability can be disabled by the Bursa Moas. I'm sure you know what to do now. :)

Let me tell you so you can confirm your hunch.
1) Start the battle.
2) Look for where the Bursa spawned.
3) Deactivate the laser grid for the corresponding area and let the bursa drop to the ground. (do not engage it in the laser area you might get trapped there and you need to to engage Razorback in the middle)
4) Kill the Bursa
5) Hack the Bursa
6) Watch the bursa fight for you and disable Razorback
7) Deal as much damage to Razorback before he gets up
8) Repeat steps 2-7 until Razorback dies

During this time...
Bless Trin spams Bless
EV Trin Spams EV
Frost A globe over the platforms and on Razorback (to slow him down) Frost also has to try not to get the Bursa slowed when it starts fighting on your side (just shatter globes with Freeze)
Volt or Excalibur or X frame waits for a chance to deal tons of damage or help with the hacking.

If you have the correct set up, this will just be annoying. If you don't it'll be frustrating too.

If you have any tips, questions or comments, please comment below or on the forum post/facebook.

Thanks for reading.

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