Friday, July 31, 2015

[Cosmetic] The Syandanas of U17

Here's a showcase of all the new capes-er i mean syandanas from U17.

I have chosen to color each section differently to help you imagine what it would look with your color scheme.

I also hit weapons when sheathed.

I listed the individual prices of each syandana. if you enjoy the variety, you can get all for 300p from the bundle section of the in game store.

Izvara (105p)

Nelumbo (90)

Udyat (90p)

Vanquished Banner (75p)

[PSA] U17 Delayed + U17 Highlights Video

So... well... it's been pushed back to Friday based on the official Warframe post.

Steve also expresses his regret here.

I myself agree that they have to be able to respond to any emergencies after it launches.

Good effort DE, get some sleep.

Meanwhile, you can watch the highlights video here. Do take note that is is uploaded on the PC Gamer site and it does not exist in the official YouTube channel of Warframe as of this writing.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

[PSA] PC Gamer Giveaway Booster Codes

So it looks like PC Gamer got their hands on 1000 codes for 7 day affinity and resource booster codes.

Need that booster?

Go here to join the raffle.

You can also use this:

It ends on Saturday, August , 8 AM PDT.

Don't miss the chance to get a booster code!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

[PSA] U17 Confirmed on Thursday EST (US)

It has been confirmed in a tweet by Steve Sinclair, one of the developers of Warframe, in a tweet that U17 will be launched this Thursday.

Steve also talks about a VERY long Change-log that spans 14 pages in a vine he tweeted. This really makes sense given the immensity of the update. According to Rebecca, DE's Community Manager, the update is a hefty 1400 MB (Warframe forum post).

Prepare yourself Tenno (for U17 and that 1.4 gig download)!

Monday, July 27, 2015

[U17] Dat New Primary and Wallpapers

What is that?!

Dang that looks amazing.


Also here are more pics from the site (

Friday, July 24, 2015

[PSA ] Devstream 57 Summary!

Umbra Excalibur

Umbra Excalibur Explanation will be posted soon!  
  • They just need to prepare all the data and make sure that the explanation can be read by all the languages that Warframe supports


  • Stamina will be removed
  • Channeling while blocking will reflect the damage (energy cost)
  • Weapon type and rank will affect it
  • Mods will be converted to cores or the equivalent value
  • Green chroma will also be updated

Q: What will happen to stamina on mods and Arcane helms?
A: Scot working on stats

Q: What will happen to Blocking?
A: Damage reduction depending on the weapon

U 17

New Warframe Slot

  • Additional Slot (beside the Aura) for utility mods via a quest
  • Certain mods (like Rush) will be allowed to use this slot.
  • New mods will also be using this slot. (U17 and U17.1)
  • Utility mods will still be able to use the other slots.

“Visible when holstered” toggle for each weapon!

  •  Makes for cooler frames! :)

New Tutorial for “Echos of the Sentients” for parkour.

  • Bullet Jump (crouch+jump)
                   - looking down will propel you up (reversed vectors)
  • Double Jump (Jump+Jump)
  • Aim Glide (TIMED) (Jump+ RMB or aim) 
                   - extends jumps and allows to target enemies in air.
                   - Allows players to block while aim gliding.
                   - Timer refilled when on the ground
  • Wall Latch (TIMED) (RMB/AIM near the wall)
                   - Timer refilled when on the ground
  • More responsive to input direction
  • Promote more diverse weapon use with the new mobility systems because people no longer have to use “copter weapons”
  • Wall climbing/running (move along/toward the wall and tap Jump)
  • Zephyr’s skills can be used in conjunction with parkour 2.0
  • Zip lines 
                   - will allow you to mount (jump near the zip lines) 
                   - run up or down the zip line instead of just zip-lining down

  • Dodges got smoothed out and sped up
                   - Distances adjusted for dodges for a better feel
                   - Dodges also available in air
                   - Auto rolls removed
                   - Heavy landings can be cancelled by dodging before landing

Q: Why was coptering removed?
                   - Hard to do
                   - Tied to melee weapons (limits choices)
                   - Melee weapon choice has to be about tactics vs mobility

New Kubrow

  • Chesa – looter (like carrier)

New Mods

  • More Weapon type Specific Mods (like Thunderbolt)
  • Covert Lethality – Stealth attacks are always lethal (Daggers only)
  • Adhesive blast (shotguns) sticky grenades
  • NEW Nightmare mod less ammo (down to 1), increased reload speed (will be loved by vectis prime users)

Defense Changes

  • Enemy counts will be more in line with survival
  • Increased intensity with time spent in the wave (easy enemies first gradually going to the more difficult enemies)

Mission Types

  • Mission hybrids –sharkwing and regular (Uranus)

                   - Underwater hazards (purple/blue cloud)

Shotgun buff

  • Fall off damage at about 10 m
  • Beyond this damage will be reduced to 50% (will not go lower)
  • reload speeds improved
  • Damage increased

Supra Buff

  • Ammo pool and clip doubled
  • Reload dropped to 3 secs
  • Increased projectile speed (almost double)
  • Damaged slightly tweaked (down)
  • “a much stronger bullet hose”

Echoes of the Sentient (U17)

  • Pre-emergence
  • Build up to the Sentient
  • Will bring interesting lore and a quest!

Tombs of the Sentient

  • Emergence
  • Coming soon!

New Frame

  • Anima/Animus (no official name yet)
  • +6 powers – opposites of each other
  • 1 power to swap between forms
  • Day (Harm)- has more speed
  • Night (support)- has more shields
  • POWER 1: Metamorphosis
                   - switch between forms
                   - there’s a delay when swapping forms
                   - There's also a buff so you can constantly swap to keep 1 buff active

  • POWER 2: Sleep/Fury

                   - Sleep – targeted AOE-guaranteed finisher to affected enemies
                   - Fury – increases damage to enemies, but increases their speed and attacks to you
  • POWER 3: Pacify/Provoke
                   - additional power str, you lose energy per power used (think Blind Rage)

  • POWER 4: Ultimates

                   - Stores all damage done to enemies around you (both Ultimates)
                   - Press 4 to start storing and 4 again to release it as the Ultimate
                   - Day-damage and auto bleed proc (slash damage) based on a % of the damage stored
                   - Night-heal all players in AOE divided by number of players based on a % of the                                  damage stored

  • Energy color sets your starting form
  • Lower right button to swap forms while customizing (Arsenal)

Frost Rework

  • Freeze
                   - Can be aimed on the ground to slow enemies who step on the icy ground
  • Ice Wave 
                   - Conical (new) area vs linear (old)

  • Snow globe
                   - Remove duration
                   - Health bars per globe
                   - Max of 4 instances at any given time

Alt fire weapons

  • Now have a button to aim

Sunday, July 19, 2015

[MODS] Maxing 10-Rank Mods: Some Insight into The Amount of Credits and Cores Required (Uncommon Rank 5 Edition)

More than a month ago I provided data regarding the Maxing of 10-Rank Cores using Rank 3 Common Cores (C3 Cores). It was very interesting information and now i can add more to it.

I have gathered enough Uncommon Rank 5 Cores to do the same thing. Here is the data. I hope it helps.

The Next Step of course is to do this with Rare Rank 5 Cores (R5 Cores). It might take some time but i'll publish it once I have the data.

The Data

here is a table that contains the number of U5 Cores and Credits required to max a 10 - Rank Mod from Rank 0.

10 - Rank ModU 5 CoresCredits

The Screenshots

Saturday, July 18, 2015

[PSA] Steve's Been Busy! Parkour 2.0 and Dat Cape.

Here's Steve's twitter page:

I really should check this more often. I just did and BOOM. Mind blown.

here's the latest one. It's a new cape. It looks amazing. I'm just afraid of how much this will clip. >_< My fingers are crossed.

Here's a Parkour 2.0 sequence:
It's an amazing set for movement. The terms below are from Steve. I just described it.

  1. BulletJump - From a jump, you corkscrew towards your destination.
  2. AimGlide - When aiming in air, your decent is slowed.
  3. Double jump - Doing a second jump will increase vertical movement by going into  a somersault.

[Build] That’s BS Ash! (Prime Edition) 16.11.5

Ash is the ninja frame in Warframe. He has offense and stealth in his kit. If there’s one thing Ash is known for especially after the update, is the insane amount of damage he does with his Ultimate, Blade Storm (BS). Now that Blade storm is affected by Steel Charge, his damage potential just went up a couple of notches especially if your teammates also brought steel charge with them.

Ash Prime definitely Brings it. With an additional polarity, there’s no need to add a Forma.


  1. Here are the improvements:
  2. More than double the armor (from 65 to 150)
  3. More Shields (from 300 to 375)
  4. A slight increase in sprint speed (from 1.15 to 1.2)
  5. An additional - polarity

Ash (Rank 30)Ash Prime (Rank 30)
Sprint Speed1.151.2
Polarities2x V1x -
2x V
Aura PolarityVV

The Build

The Build is used for maximum BS usage and targets. It has maxed range to make sure you get as many of the enemies as you can and at max efficiency and energy, you can spam your BS all day.


SurvivabilityNone. As BS spammers, Ash relies on 2 - 3 things to survive.
  1. Your team. If you have a Frost in defense missions, you definitely live.
  2. Your BS. While executing blade storm, you are invulnerable. The more BS you give the less damage you take.
  3. If you did choose Health over Shields, you can also use Furis (Winds of Purity) to restore your health in case of damage in between BSs


Streamline, Fleeting Expertise and Primed Flow (or vanilla Flow)

These will allow you to gather energy and of course spam your BS. Since BS is Survival for this build, energy is crucial. Suffice to say, if you run out of energy you’re in trouble. No energy, no survival.


Intensify, Transient Fortitude and Blind Rage

Just the usual mods to increase power strength.


Stretch and Over Extend.

This will allow your Blade storm to cover more ground, hence acquire more targets. This increases your attack radius to 58.75 m and your cast range to 117.5 m. This lowers your Power Strength to 152 %.

Another option is to use a Rank 2 Overextended which will increase your Power Strength to 182 % and still give you a decent cast range of 95 m and an attack radius of 47.5 m.

OE = Over Extend
TF = Transient Fortitude
BR = Blind Rage

Max OE
Max Stretch
Max Stretch

Max Stretch
Range ->2.351.91.45
Attack Range2558.7547.536.25
Cast Range50117.59572.5
Power Strength100 %152 %182 %212 %
BaseMax Intensify
Max TF
Max Intensify
Max TF
Max Intensify
Max TF


You may opt for a more damage oriented build in a team that decides to go for high level Missions like T4 Defense 30 waves and up.


Coming soon

Enjoy playing!

[Build] Standard Carrier Prime 16.11.5

Carrier is a very common Sentinel, almost essential because of the Warframe’s looting aspect.

Carrier’s Vacuum ability allows it to pull loot (mods, resources, orbs and ammo to your frame. This allows you to focus more on the battle instead of looting. If you check my profile in warframe you wouldn’t be surprised that I sue carrier 89% of the time… having earned 122,738,360 exp as of this writing.

This will change because of Carrier Prime.


Here are the improvements
  Twice the health (from 200 to 400)
 Thrice the armor (from 50 to 150)
20 more stamina (from 80 to 100)
An additional V polarity

CarrierCarrier Prime
Shield Capacity100100
Polarities4x Precept
1x D
4x Precept
1x D
1x V

The Build
The build is for standard run and gun. Nothing fancy.

Polarities Added

Forma: 3
2 x D
Most of the Sentinel mods are defensive so “D” are the best at the moment. This will help with heavy mods like Vitality, Redirection and Steel Fiber. If you are they tuype of person who uses sanctuary, you can also use the slot for that mod.

1 x –
For animal instinct. This mod is a boon! Since the extinction of the Greedy Pull Mag (due to the nerf) in teams it has definitely made the looting easier since it gives you loot AND enemy radar.


Vitality, Steel Fiber, Redirection, Fast Deflection and Regen

Vacuum, Guardian and Animal Instinct
Fired Up and Striker

You with this Build you may swap Fast Deflection out for Sanctuary. If you’re going to follow my Mod layout, Remove redirection from the blank slot and place Vitality there. Put Sanctuary in the D slot vacated by Vitality.


Coming Soon

Enjoy playing!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

[PSA] The New Primes

Image Taken from here

The new Prime Items are here!

You can now purchase the Newest Prime Access here.

Here is a list of the new Primes:

  1. Ash Prime
  2. Vectis Prime
  3. Carrier Prime
These are linked to the Wiki Pages so you can start farming them!

I'll see you in the Void Tenno!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

[Build] Credit Croma

Still have a few hours before the Double Credit Bonus ends? Just bought a Credit Booster? Here's a build that will help you rake in the dough!

The build takes advantage of the passive ability of Chroma's ultimate ( Effigy)to increase credit drops from enemies Killed by this power,

The Build

It's a basic build that has 2 requirements:

  1. Max Efficiency
  2. As much power as you can manage to get
  3. Use a power color that deals fire damage
  4. Must have maxed Effigy (Rank 30) is the easiest way to go about it
Here's what mine looks like:

The Place

Well, it'll be a quick run of less than six minutes. It's Gabii, Ceres.

Why a Gabii?

  1. No Ancients at the five minute mark. 
  2. It's a survival mission and we'll only stay up til the 5 minute mark so oxygen isn't going to be a problem. 
  3. On top of this you get 20-23k after completion depending on how many people join. Solo you get 20k.
  4. You have a chance at getting a r5 pack of 5

Other Requirements

There's just one last thing, you need energy. You can choose any of the following methods:

  1. Team Energy Restore
  2. EV Trinity
  3. Rage + Winds of Purity (Furis)
You also need at least 1 non syndicate weapon (no radial effects) and you need to make sure that your sentinel doesn't have it's attack mod.

The Method

It's easy. 
  1. Get energy first Based on your chosen method (this may happen before or after depending on the method).
  2. Trigger the alarm (again this may vary depending on the method chosen for getting energy)
  3. Go to the first Life Support site and cast Effigy.
  4. Don't Kill anything using methods other than Effigy.
  5. Get a safe perch and run around collecting the credits as it drrops
  6. Pop the tank when the next one appears.
  7. Move to the next life support module.
  8. Repeat 3 - 6 until 5 minutes elapse 9 you should be near the exit if you did this correctly)
  9. Extract.

The Rewards

Here's what you can get:

48.k Credits (already doubled because of the double credit event) plus a nice r5 pack of 5.

Hope it helps! Enjoy the game.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

[PSA] Mag Greedy Pull Nerf Incoming

The Nerf has gone live!

Check the details here:

It's been posted and all that needs to happen is the implementation.

The Coming Change:

  • "Greedy Pull will only pull items for the Ability caster (like how Carrier's Vacuum only applies to the owner).
  • Greedy Pull will still pull items as it does now - no Line of Sight checks will be included."

The Effect

This means that all thee teams that use mag will no longer be able to do so. This primarily affects any team with a Mesa since the only way for her to gain energy while in stance is to get energy orbs, which of course mag got her.

Aside from any team built around Mesa, any team that Camps and kills from afar will be affected.

This affects team synergies in general since Mag is usually a good incentive for a team to stick together.

The degree to which people will wander is still unknown but based on the "Heroics" (aka spawn camping) of pre-greedy pull defense missions, It'll be a pain... unless you're a Mag.

Getting Around It

There really is no getting around the fact that we'll be roaming for loot again, but you can get around the energy restrictions of Mesa.

Here are your options:

  1. Limbo - When Banished, Mesa will gain 2 energy per second. This won't allow her to continue indefinitely but will allow her to keep at it for a longer amount of time especially with a maxed primed flow.
  2. Trinity - EV (Energy Vampire) has always been a staple for energy hungry teams before Mag happened. She will definitely be making a comeback once the Nerf hits Mag.
  3. Energy Restores - It's there, but it WILL make those missions cost more. It is still an option though.

In the End

Is the game mean to be played by sticking together? Are the mechanics paving the way for this? Was there a better way? We will definitely see the aftermath of this decision once it hits.

Are you prepared?

Friday, July 3, 2015

[PSA] Double Credit Weekend!

(Image taken from the official post)
Warframe announced the double credit weekend today!

Play this weekend to enjoy twice the amount of credits per mission!

This will end on July 6 at 2 pm EDT.

The official post can be found here: