Sunday, August 23, 2015

[Build] Saryn: Miasma and Rage

I just tried (and failed) the Armored Agility alert and remembered how difficult these things were with the wrong set up AND, more importantly, how easy these are with the right tools.

The Build

The basic idea is to get dealt damage, build up your energy and spam Miasma. Health regeneration can be done in several ways, but the most common ways are via Furis (Winds of Purity) or Regenerative Molt.

Regenerative Molt vs Furis

Each Health solution comes with it's pros and cons. Depending on your build and play style, you might go for one or the other.

Regenerative Molt is a Syndicate augment that allows you to regain Health per second Molt is up. The Health you regain is affected by Power Strength.

It's a wonderful mod that really helps Rage builds regain lost Health. The problem is, it costs a Warframe mod slot. Some builds can afford the loss while some cannot.

Winds of Purity is also a Syndicate Mod that can only be installed in Furis, a fairly low tier secondary (automatic pistol). Winds of Purity allows your frame to get healed by a percentage of the damage dealt by your Furis (maxed at 20%).

It's the perfect weapon for tight builds and survive-ability for any Warframe. The trade of is of course, you can't use any other secondary weapon. Another is that you will have to invest a lot of forma, 4 for my build, to make it work effectively, especially at high levels.

My Furis Build

My Build

I have invested in Furis already and I also have a very tight and specialized build so i cannot fit Regenerative Molt in my build.

The only types of mod I installed were damage and utility.

My damage mods are Transient Fortitude and Intensify. These increase the damage output of Miasma. Transient Fortitude also lowers Miasma's duration effectively increasing the damage further.

The utility mods I used are Fleeting Expertise, Streamline, Stretch and Overextended, Primed Flow (or vanilla Flow) and Rage.

Fleeting Expertise and Streamline help maximize the number of Miasmas you can cast so you don't have to harvest more energy just to keep spamming. Fleeting Expertise also helps increase damage output by lowering the duration of Miasma.

Stretch and Overextended help deliver the damage to as many enemies as possible.

Flow ensures that you have enough capacity to store any energy orbs you get, or it also allows you to start the mission with a huge amount of energy and hopefully decreasing even sometimes eliminating the need to refill your energy mid game.

Rage of course is at the heart of the build. It allows you to gain energy when your Health is damaged.

For Nightmare situations, Swap out Overextended with Vitality to keep me alive.

Thanks for Reading!

Here's a Video of the build.
In the first part you will see the build with Vitality used in a Nightmare Survival alert.
The next part shows the build with Vitality swapped out for Overextended for a regular mission.

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