Wednesday, August 12, 2015

[MODS] Maxing 10-Rank Mods: Some Insight into The Amount of Credits and Cores Required (Rare Rank 5 Edition)

This is it, the final installment of the 10-Rank Mod Max marathon. It's may even be the most economically impacting post i will write.

Why? Be cause we all know that R5 mods cost about 1 plat. Knowing how many R5s a specific maxed 10-rank mod will give you a guide regarding it's pricing, although, i must caution against the use of this as a hard pricing guide since several factors will continue to affect mod prices.

Here we go.

The Data

The table below details the amount of rare rank 5 cores (r5) and credits it takes to max a 10-rank mod from 0.

10 - Rank ModR5 CoresCredits


If you are going to ask me, the most profitable mods to sell are the Common ones like Vitality and Redirection and the Legendary ones.

Common Mods aren't only common and necessary, but coupling that with the relatively low cost makes it an acceptable purchase even at 160 p.

Legendary mods are often sold close to 1k plat when it only costs a little more than half to make. Pick a really important one like Continuity or Point Blank and you're in business.

Rare cores and Uncommon cores usually cost less than it'll cost you to make em with Uncommons like serration or Hornet Strike costing about 200 a pop and rare ones like Blind Rage or Transient Fortitude Costing about 300. There's no money in those.

Of course, the fact that i'm posting this might already affect the market so don't expect things to stay the same.

Legendary Cores

So are Legendary cores worth it?

I say, if you're not the farming type, go for it. They are usually sold for 1k and will max any mod (ideally a legendary one, without a credit cost.

If you can farm, don't bother. Even if you do not have the rare cores to max a legendary mod, a combination of common and uncommon cores will eventually get you there.

Core TypeCores for A LegendaryCredits for a Legendary
Rare Cores5281663200
Uncommon Cores8621810200
Common Cores27752081250

Approximate Core Value

Here's a little more data. This gives you the equivalent value of each core based on the value of a common core. If you check the table below, you'd see that an R5 is worth about 5.26 Common Cores (Rank 3). This is based on the amount of each core required to max a Legendary (Primed) core.

Core TypeApproximate core value

The Screenshots





Thanks for reading!

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