Monday, October 5, 2015

[Guide] Understanding the Efficiency and Duration Change for Toggle Abilities post 17.5

With the advent of 17.5 came the changes to how duration affects abilities that can be toggled on and off. It mostly affects Ultimates like Excalibur's Exalted Blade and some non-Ultimate abilities like Spectral Scream.

The Gist

Keep Duration at about 100% and Add 175% Power Efficiency.

The Details

This effectively (but indirectly) nerfs Transient Fortitude and Fleeting Expertise for toggle abilities. Prior to this change duration was not necessary for these abilities, but now, duration mods will become mandatory if you use either of the mods above.

The Formula

(Base Drain*(1-Total Efficiency [total mod values]))/Total Duration [stat value or total mod 

Your Duration should be at 400% [total mod value+100%] before you can remove efficiency mods completely and achieve the minimum energy per second drain.

I created a table for those who want to play around the values. You can find it here.

The sheet is pretty straightforward. Just plug in the values from the mods you are thinking of equipping and you will see the final energy drain. Don't forget to plug in the base energy drain from the skill, it's defaulted to Exalted Blade since it's what I used to determine the formula.

Feel free to copy it to excel. Please give me credit (link this post) if you are going to share the formula.


Sample Builds



Need one more forma to replace Redirection with Primed Flow

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